TEMPLE revolutionizes luxury fashion with a 3D-first approach, promising high-quality, tangible garments delivered from digital inception to your doorstep. Dive into our process, from idea to final product.


In an era where innovation meets tradition, TEMPLE stands at the forefront of the luxury fashion industry with a bold, visionary approach: opting for 3D designs over physical models. This choice is not merely a nod to modern technology but a deeply considered decision that aligns with our core ethos of quality over quantity. But how do we bridge the gap between the digital allure of 3D garments and the tangible luxury of physical fashion? Let’s embark on a journey from the spark of inspiration to the final touch of packaging, revealing the meticulous process that ensures our garments, viewed in mesmerizing 3D, arrive in your hands with unmatched quality.

Why 3D, Not Physical Models?

Our choice to prioritize 3D designs over traditional physical models is driven by several compelling reasons that resonate with TEMPLE's mission:

- Innovation and Creativity: 3D technology unleashes a realm of creative possibilities, allowing our house designer to explore and innovate with shapes, textures, and effects in ways that traditional methods may limit.

- Sustainability and Efficiency: By adopting 3D designs, we significantly reduce the need for producing large physical stock, aligning with our commitment to sustainability. This approach not only minimizes waste but also ensures that we are not overproducing, thereby adhering to our principle of quality over quantity.

- Precision and Adaptability: 3D models facilitate a highly efficient and adaptable design process, enabling swift iterations and precise adjustments. This ensures that every garment is refined to perfection before production, marrying innovation with impeccable craftsmanship.

- Global Reach: Leveraging 3D designs allows us to share our collections with a global audience, transcending the barriers of physical location and making our creations accessible to all, regardless of geographical constraints.

From Idea to Your Wardrobe: The TEMPLE Process

  1. The Idea: It all starts with an idea, inspired by the complex tapestry of human emotions, serving as the bedrock for each garment's unique story.
  2. The Sketch: These ideas then take form through detailed sketches, laying the groundwork for their eventual realization in both digital and physical realms.
  3. Fabric Sourcing: Concurrently, we source high-quality materials that meet our exacting standards, ensuring the physical garments reflect the luxury and quality seen in their 3D previews.
  4. Creation of the Garment: Our artisans meticulously craft the initial versions of the garments, this step crucial for assessing the interplay of fabric, fit, and design.
  5. 3D Design and Layout: With a physical prototype as reference, we digitize the garment into a 3D model, allowing for extensive editing and refinement in its digital incarnation.
  6. Editing: The 3D model is then perfected, with every detail meticulously adjusted to ensure it mirrors our vision and quality expectations accurately.
  7. Packaging: Following production, the garment is thoughtfully packaged, with the TEMPLE experience in mind, ensuring the first physical touchpoint is as memorable as the digital unveiling.
  8. To You: Finally, the garment makes its journey to you, embodying TEMPLE's commitment to bringing visionary 3D designs into luxurious, tangible reality, thus maintaining our ethos of prioritizing quality over quantity at every step.


TEMPLE's embrace of 3D design technology over traditional physical modeling methods underscores our dedication to innovation, sustainability, and unparalleled quality. This forward-thinking approach not only allows us to push the boundaries of luxury fashion but also ensures our creations are sustainable, efficient, and globally accessible. From concept to delivery, TEMPLE garments represent a journey from visionary digital design to tangible luxury, each piece a testament to our commitment to reducing large physical stock without compromising on the exquisite craftsmanship and design integrity our clients expect. In embracing this innovative model, TEMPLE not only sets new standards in luxury fashion but also champions a future where quality and sustainability go hand in hand.


Tyler Temple